The only problem you can have in business, is having no problems

If anything, Lean philosophy talks about problems. And problems come with a solution, otherwise they wouldn’t be problems but mere facts.

When starting on your Lean journey, an important thing to grasp is that it’s a good thing to have problems. Problems, in your company, in your business are opportunities for improvement. And Lean people like continuous improvement.

If you wake up one day, look around and think by yourself “I have no problems”… I’d urge you to look again. If you don’t see any problems, any situations that are different than what you want them to be, you have a blurred vision or you’re still sleeping.

The beauty about Lean it is so non-blaming in my view. A problem is a problem for the business, the process. It just describes a discrepancy between where we are today and where we want to be. Nothing more nothing less. It’s not about an individual or a team, it’s not personal…at all. It’s just a problem looking for a solution.

Can’t find a problem?

Or having too many problems and don’t know where to start?